Home » 4 Things to overcome the Challenges in Mushroom Marketing

4 Things to overcome the Challenges in Mushroom Marketing

There is market for every thing we produce. When a poultry farm is maintained there are companies like Suguna Chicken which procures from the poultry. Similarly , there are companies like Heritage dairy which procures milk from the dairy farmers. But there is no such company to purchase mushroom from the farmers.

Image Source : Thepacker.com

There are four types of mushroom primarily produced in India. They are

  • Button Mushrooms
  • Milky Mushrooms
  • Oyster Mushrooms
  • Paddy Straw Mushrooms

For the weather conditions in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh , Milky Mushrooms and Oyster mushroom can be grown. Button mushroom requires low temperature so , a significant investment is required as they need to be grown in controlled environment.

1.Irrespective of the season the production of mushrooms to be maintained consistent.

Most the time this will be a top challenges while marketing. Because the firms or people whom you are selling to expect you to maintain to deliver them the quantity in a consistent way. Some days giving supplying the stock and other days when you couldn’t leads to trust issue and they may not purchase from you later.

2.Rural farmer difficulties

A farmer who is in remote area may find difficulty in marketing and selling the produced mushroom. He need to go to town areas or cities depending on the states he is living in India. To sell the fresh mushrooms on regular basis, he need to travel regularly to those cities. This could be a challenge for him to earn profits. For farmers like them it is advisable to make value added products to increase the shelf life.

3.Grow as per Local market requirements

Some people prefer some kind of mushrooms only. For Example, some chefs in the restaurants prefer to cook the Button mushrooms (They are easy to cut and cook) over Milky mushroom. So you need to grow the kind of mushrooms depending the local market requirement.

4.Always start with small

Start with producing the mushrooms in small quantity so that while trying to sell them you will be learning exposure about the market, in which places what kind of mushroom are sold, approaching the buyers, negotiating with them.

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