Home » MS Swaminathan Contribution to India and World in Agriculture

MS Swaminathan Contribution to India and World in Agriculture

The world has lost a scientific visionary, MS Swaminathan who dedicated his life to the betterment of their country through groundbreaking research, numerous global awards, and the establishment of transformative research institutions. He left us on Sept 28 2023, but his impact on the world endures, and his story remains an inspiration. We will learn about MS Swaminathan Contribution to India and World in Agriculture


Awards and Accolades:
  • The Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1971 is one of the most prestigious awards in Asia, often referred to as the “Asian Nobel Prize”.
  • Albert Eienstein World Science Award in 1986 , which is awarded for the researches which brought true benefit and well being to the mankind
  • He is the first Recipient of World Food Prize in 1987, the money USD 200,000 from this award was also given solely for the Establishment of MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, an Non Profit Organization in Chennai.
  • Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award in 1961
  • Padma Sri in 1967 , Padma Bhushan in 1972 , Padma Vibhushan in 1989
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri Award and Indira Gandhi Prize


Research and Innovation:
  • He played a key role in the Green Revolution, introducing high-yielding wheat and rice varieties in India during the 1960s.
  • His research involved transferring genes for fertilizer response from Japonica varieties to Indica varieties.
  • On Potato : Development of Frost-resistant Potatoes. Gene research for the producing high yield potatoes
  • On Wheat : Hexaploid wheat cytogenetics research , which was basic foundation for Green revolution
  • On Rice : World’s first high yield Basmati Rice. For better Photosynthesis and water usage he put his efforts for growing rice with C4 Carbon fixation

Establishing the researches of Excellence:
  • He served in various institutions related to the agricultural sector both in India and abroad, including the Food and Agricultural Organization Council and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
  • He established ICRISAT in Hyderabad, Telangana
  • As a Teacher , Researcher in Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
  • As Director General at Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Indian Rice Research Institute.
A Life’s Journey of Challenges and Triumphs:
  • Swaminathan’s journey started with his decision to switch to agriculture due to the Bengal famine and Gandhiji’s call for the Quit India Movement in 1942.
  • He faced challenges, including the need to develop new high-yielding crop varieties and secure the necessary genetic material for the Green Revolution.

The Enduring Legacy:
  • The Green Revolution, initiated by Swaminathan’s work, brought a significant increase in wheat production in India.
  • He played a pivotal role in the introduction of high-yielding varieties and made India self-sufficient in wheat production.
Heartfelt Quote from the Scientist:

“It was at that time, in 1942, that Gandhiji gave a call for the Quit India Movement. And, in 1942-43, there was the Bengal famine. Many of us, who were students at that time and were very idealistic, asked ourselves, what can we do for independent India? So I decided, because of the Bengal famine, to study agriculture.”

Remembering MS Swaminathan:
  • Minimum Support Price : Due to Swaminathan foresight and his support for farmers, he addressed issues related to the Green Revolution and advocating for the Minimum Support Price for farmers.
  • He is the first World Food Prize Laureate award that he received for his contributions.

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